Thursday, May 30, 2013

Me Myself and I

   My name is Prab Dhillon and I was born on September 18 1995. I have lived in Penticton all my life but my parents just came to Canada a year before I was born to start a new life. No one in my household was fully fluent in English so I had a hard time learning how to speak English till I got to Kindergarten. My next years plans are to attend Okanagan College and do my 1st year for my Business of Bachelors Degree at the Penticton Campus. After I get my 4 year degree I want to go into banking. I'll probably be majoring in finance or marketing. I enjoy going to the gym after school and I am an assistant coach for a young soccer team. I dont watch TV very often but my life is consumed by netflix every night. My favorite shows are Dexter, Community and Prison Break. I have never owned a pet before because I'm not very big on animals. I don't hate pets, its just that having them is a big responsibility and I just don't have the time to look after one. If I were to get a pet it would definitely be a dog. Either a rottweiler or German shepherd. I only have one sibling who is a younger sister. We don't get along very well so I hardly talk to her. I am stoked to graduate and experience the real world next year!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


  Ian is the main character of the book and also my favorite character. We learn a lot about Ian through his actions and how he views the world. Even though he is very rich and wealthy, he isn't selfish like you would think. He cares about other people and their needs like when he didn't want to eat at the soup kitchen he volunteers at in case there isn’t enough food for everyone. Ian looks up to Mac who is the person that runs the soup kitchen. I would definitely invite Ian over for dinner because he has interesting story's to tell from his rounds on the streets with Mac and he has picked up on some tips on how to prepare food so he could lend a hand in the kitchen. One of my favorite characters in this book is Sarge. Sarge is a homeless man who Ian meets that becomes friends with Ian. Unlike the other homeless people, Sarge doesn't try to take advantage of Ian's kindness. He protects Ian from harm and cares about his safety which is why I like him. There isn't much said about Ian's parents. Only his nanny is someone who is frequently present in the story. I really enjoyed this book because it really gets you connected with the characters. You get to know them like a friend. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone. 

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Kids These Days...

  I walk through the streets slowly, thinking of how people can live like this. I see a seven year old at the playground. He isn't playing catch or playing tag. The little boy is sitting on a bench holding some electronic device. How is society letting this happen? Kids should be running around, not glued to some screen. Laziness is a big problem with teenagers and children everywhere. No matter where you go. Back in my day we walked 8 kilometers to school. Nowadays these damn kids whine about walking to a bus stop down the street. Seems like manners are extinct in the younger generations. Whenever I walk into a building, the kids in front never hold the door open, they just keep on walking like no ones behind them. If my father ever found out I did that, he would slap me upside the head. There is no discipline with this corrupt generation. All the obnoxious loud music teenagers blast ticks me off. Especially when they drive their death trap cars. Driving like that should be considered a distraction and they should be given a ticket. House party's I hear about sound even worse. Teenagers drink alcohol like its water. Every Friday night I see teenagers just stumbling down the side walk in my neighborhood. I can't stand that stuff. They embarrass themselves and everyone around them. The parents probably have no idea this goes on. Kids never share anything that goes on in their lives. Money means nothing to them, they have no respect for elders and no discipline in their lives. They are out of control.

Monday, February 18, 2013


  Imagine floating through walls. Hide in plain sight with invisibility . How may this be done? Acquire the superpower to become a ghost at will and the possibilities are endless. I would use this power for many different situations. For my own personal use to mess with people and to help others with my special abilities. My personal life would a lot easier. Leaving for school, I would go invisible and fly over everyone and not have to worry about parking. That one guy that swings his doors open like a maniac would do no more damage to my truck. At home when my sister doesn't give up the laptop, I can easily fix that. Just turn invisible and keep turning it off when the little devil is using it. If I ever find myself in a situation where I need to defend myself from a threat such as a person trying to pick a fight, I can just possess them and they would be in my control. No need for a fight. Acquiring this power would be very beneficial to my life. Life would be a lot easier and I can help myself and others stay safe.