Wednesday, May 29, 2013


  Ian is the main character of the book and also my favorite character. We learn a lot about Ian through his actions and how he views the world. Even though he is very rich and wealthy, he isn't selfish like you would think. He cares about other people and their needs like when he didn't want to eat at the soup kitchen he volunteers at in case there isn’t enough food for everyone. Ian looks up to Mac who is the person that runs the soup kitchen. I would definitely invite Ian over for dinner because he has interesting story's to tell from his rounds on the streets with Mac and he has picked up on some tips on how to prepare food so he could lend a hand in the kitchen. One of my favorite characters in this book is Sarge. Sarge is a homeless man who Ian meets that becomes friends with Ian. Unlike the other homeless people, Sarge doesn't try to take advantage of Ian's kindness. He protects Ian from harm and cares about his safety which is why I like him. There isn't much said about Ian's parents. Only his nanny is someone who is frequently present in the story. I really enjoyed this book because it really gets you connected with the characters. You get to know them like a friend. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone. 

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