Thursday, February 28, 2013

Kids These Days...

  I walk through the streets slowly, thinking of how people can live like this. I see a seven year old at the playground. He isn't playing catch or playing tag. The little boy is sitting on a bench holding some electronic device. How is society letting this happen? Kids should be running around, not glued to some screen. Laziness is a big problem with teenagers and children everywhere. No matter where you go. Back in my day we walked 8 kilometers to school. Nowadays these damn kids whine about walking to a bus stop down the street. Seems like manners are extinct in the younger generations. Whenever I walk into a building, the kids in front never hold the door open, they just keep on walking like no ones behind them. If my father ever found out I did that, he would slap me upside the head. There is no discipline with this corrupt generation. All the obnoxious loud music teenagers blast ticks me off. Especially when they drive their death trap cars. Driving like that should be considered a distraction and they should be given a ticket. House party's I hear about sound even worse. Teenagers drink alcohol like its water. Every Friday night I see teenagers just stumbling down the side walk in my neighborhood. I can't stand that stuff. They embarrass themselves and everyone around them. The parents probably have no idea this goes on. Kids never share anything that goes on in their lives. Money means nothing to them, they have no respect for elders and no discipline in their lives. They are out of control.

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